slots- OPEN • waitlist- --------
These commissions are for personal use only.
Commercial work inquires are welcome [email protected]
+ Please read my ToS before commissioning me.
+ Payments are done through a Paypal invoice.
+ All prices shown are in USD.
➤ For a quote email me at [email protected], I'll get back to you in the following 2-3 business days.
For fullbody drawings of a preexisting character(s).
Prices will be adjusted depending on complexity.
---- starts at $120
A fullbody done with lineart and minimum shading –might use subtle gradients and accents, depending on what the piece needs. Extra characters, props and background add-ons can be discussed before starting the commission.
Check the CharacTaur Render commission type for examples of how the final art for this commission type would look like.➤ RENDER
---- starts at $425
For a detailed full-body drawing, with softer edges and various layers of shading and lighting. Extra characters, props and background add-ons can be discussed before starting the commission.
Please email me the following details:
- A reference image of the character(s) is required for me to be able to work on a piece for you.
- Short description of the character's (or characters') personality and/or a prompt to go by so I can have a clear idea of how to tackle the pose and general vibe of the piece.
- The Paypal email I should send the invoice to.
- IMPORTANT: Do NOT send me explicit NSFW pictures as a reference. Tasteful nudity or suggestive poses are ok, just warn me about them beforehand.
- Optional: up to 3 visual references of anything else you feel I need to visualize correctly, like materials, color, form, pose, etc.
- Optional: extra props or elements on the background can be discussed previous to me giving a quote –this of course will add to the total price.
These commission types include:
- Up to two revisions of the sketch before cleaning and coloring –meaning, in this stage the commissioner can ask to have the basic structure of the sketch edited to fit their vision.
- A PNG and a JPG file at 300dpi and a transparent PNG at 150dpi. Both will have a small signature, no watermark.
For fullbody drawings of taur characters. If applicable a taur form is designed based on a preexisting design.
Prices will be adjusted depending on complexity.
---- starts at $150
A fullbody with lineart and minimum shading –might use subtle gradients and accents, depending on what the piece needs. Extra characters, props and background add-ons can be discussed before starting the commission.
---- starts at $500
For detailed full-body pieces with softer edges and various layers of shading and lighting. Extra characters, props and background add-ons can be discussed before starting the commission.
Please email me the following details:
- A reference image of the character's (or characters') original design is required for me to be able to work on a piece for you (NOTE: the original design can be human, humanoid or anthropomorphic).
- A reference of the animal for the taur-half of the body is also needed.
- Short description of the character's (or characters') personality and/or a prompt to go by so I can have a clear idea of how to tackle the pose and general vibe of the piece.
- The Paypal email I should send the invoice to.
- IMPORTANT: Do NOT send me explicit NSFW pictures as a reference. Tasteful nudity or suggestive poses are ok, just warn me about them beforehand.
- Optional: up to 3 visual references of anything else you feel I need to visualize correctly, like materials, color, form, pose, etc.
- Optional: extra props or elements on the background can be discussed previous to me giving a quote –this of course will add to the total price.
These commission types include:
- Up to two revisions of the sketch before cleaning and coloring –meaning, in this stage the commissioner can ask to have the basic structure of the sketch edited to fit their vision.
- A PNG and a JPG file at 300dpi and a transparent PNG at 150dpi. Both will have a small signature, no watermark.
For characters in complex settings with atmospheric lights and scene prompts.
Prices will be adjusted depending on complexity.
---- portrait (waist or chest up): starts at $315
---- scene: starts at $465
This style has clean lines, simplified shading and atmospheric effects.
---- portrait (waist or chest up): starts at $450
---- scene: starts at $825
This style is more detailed and makes it so brushstrokes stand out.
Please email me the following details:
- A reference image of the character(s) is required for me to be able to work on a piece for you.
- Tell me about the scene you want me to convey on the canvas! Keep in mind visual references are preferred over text, so feel free to showcase your ideas with a moodboard or a few images if necessary; written descriptions should be just few sentences long.
- The Paypal email I should send the invoice to.
- IMPORTANT: Do NOT send me explicit NSFW pictures as a reference. Tasteful nudity or suggestive poses are ok, just warn me about them beforehand.
- Optional: up to 3-4 visual references of anything else you feel I need to visualize correctly, like inspiration for the piece’s mood and atmosphere, poses, general expression of the character(s), background, etc.
These commission types include:
- Up to three major revisions of the sketch before cleaning and coloring –meaning, in this stage the commissioner can ask to have the basic structure of the sketch edited to fit their vision.
- Minor edits are allowed at all times before the final art is delivered so as to tweak missing details on markings, lighting, effects, colors, hue, etc.
- A PNG and a JPG file at 300dpi. The final piece will have a small logo as the signature, no watermark.
Keep in mind! I make these pieces to be displayed digitally. If you're thinking of printing your commission for personal use, it's best to clarify this before the work is started so I don't make the overall color palette too dark.
For those who want the result to be a surprise!
- This commission type doesn't include revisions or edits in any step of the process.
- The rates shown bellow are flat prices, they won't be modified.
- Bundles include in their price the Character Design and the adds-on mentioned in their descriptions.
---- $220
You'll receive the art of the character on a sheet with their color palette, and a transparent PNG. You'll also get ownership of the design for personal use –click here for an explanation of what that means!If applicable, an extra figure (art of the character's weapon, marking detail, accessory, etc) can be discussed before starting the work and a fee will be applied to the price above.

---- $330
This option is for when the character you want to create has two forms (e.g: human & beast). The resulting sheet will include a fullbody of the main design and a fullbody of the alternate form of the character.If applicable, an extra figure (art of the character's weapon, marking detail, accessory, etc) can be discussed before starting the work and a fee will be applied to the price above.You'll get the transparent version of both the character's main art and of their alternate form. You'll also get ownership of the design for personal use –click here for an explanation of what that means!
---- $470
This option is for when you're curious on how I would expand a bit more on the design of your character. The resulting sheet will include two fullbodies of the design and two headshots (both expressions used for the headshots can be suggested by the commissioner before I start working on the design).If applicable, an extra figure (art of the character's weapon, marking detail, accessory, etc) can be discussed before starting the work and a fee will be applied to the price above.You'll get a transparent PNG version for each fullbody and headshot of the character. You'll also get ownership of the design for personal use –click here for an explanation of what that means!
Please email me the following details:
- Moodboard or small gallery: Send me a color palette you want for me to take into consideration, or a picture of a design aesthetic you really like. You can also include costumes, animal markings, etc as inspiration. Please limit all this to 3-4 images.
- Description: If you have any preference as to body type, species, markings, etc, feel free to mention them. Just explain to me who is the character. Limit this to 3-4 lines of text.
- The Paypal email I should send the invoice to.
- IMPORTANT: Do NOT send me explicit NSFW pictures as a reference. Tasteful nudity or suggestive poses are ok, just warn me about them beforehand.
- Optional: you can tell me the name of the character and their pronouns to add to the resulting reference sheet.After I receive the things mentioned above I'll work on a concept for you!
These commission types includes:
- A PNG and a JPG file at 300dpi
- Transparent PNG(s) at 150dpi of the character art and, if applicable, any other fullbody, headshot and/or element that comes together with the reference sheet. These will be accompanied at the bottom with a small signature, no watermark.
- Ownership of the design for personal use –click here for an explanation of what that means!
Custom Design
For those who want to be part of the creative process while the character is being designed.
Prices will be adjusted depending on complexity.
---- starts at $500The commissioner should know what they want and be able to provide very clear and concise guidance through the creation process. This type of commission refers not only to customized designs of characters started from scratch, but can also account for customized redesigns of a preexisting character the commissioner already owns.Please keep in mind that I might not always be the right artist for the design you want, but feel free to check with me if you're not sure if I'd be willing to tackle the character you have in mind.
The basic version of this commission includes:
- One design and one final art (fullbody).
- A basic sheet for the design's art: simple color palette, name/pronouns/species/etc (if desired), and a plain gradient background.
- A maximum of 3 major corrections while in the sketch phase, and up to 6 revisions with minor corrections within the cleaning process of the final art.
- High-resolution PNG and JPG of the aforementioned sheet in 300 dpi, and transparent PNG of the final art at 150dpi.
- Ownership of the design for personal use –click here for an explanation of what that means!PLEASE NOTE: with the exception of customized redesigns which are based on existing characters already owned by commissioners, any scrapped or undesired concept –meaning, an idea of brand new design that the commissioner wishes to discard completely or almost in its entirety– is property of the artist.
- Extra fullbody: starts at $110 each.
- Headshots/bust: starts at $55 each.
- Detail (separate shot of markings, weapon, jewelry, etc): starts at $35 each.
- Complex reference sheet (numerous elements to compose, specific background details, etc): starts at $45.
If you need help with directions, here are some things that can help me figure out the look of the character:+ Tell me about the character's personality! How do they carry themselves, usually? Also, is there any special detail they have on their body, like a scar, mark, tattoo, etc?+ This one is a must: send me any images that have inspired you to come up with this character, like a visual guide of sorts; this can include color palettes you want me to keep in mind for the design, other character's looks and costumes you find appealing, and anything that aesthetically makes you think of the design you want.+ Are there any weapons or accessories the character uses? (this can include bags to carry things or a magical necklace, for example).+ If there's anything you're unsure on how it could be pulled off on the design, feel free to mention it too. For example: maybe you want your character to look cursed! You don't know the specifics on how that'll turn out, but the character being cursed is something you want for the art to convey when it's finished.+ You're welcome to tell me the name of the character and their pronouns. This can be added to the resulting reference sheet.Feel free to expand on the information in whatever way you want. If everything is neatly put together in, say, a Google Doc or something of the sort, that would be even better.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT send me explicit NSFW pictures as a reference. Tasteful nudity or suggestive poses are ok, just warn me about them beforehand.
• This is a payment for goods and services which do not require shipping. The customer agrees and is aware that no physical copies are to be sent to them.• When asking to commission art from me you affirm that you're of legal age and don't need consent from an adult to make the payments necessary.• For commissions priced for 200 USD and under, I'll start the work only after I receive the payment in full. Commissions priced over 200 USD will have one or more payment plans available for the commissioner.• Commissions won’t be added to the queue until the aforementioned payment has been done.• Payments will not be refundable after they're done, unless I’m unable to start the commission within the timeframe agreed upon.• Final arts will be delivered only after I have received the full payment.• In case of unforeseen violations of these Terms of Service or rude and/or inappropriate behavior from the commissioner’s part, I may, with prior notification to the client, cancel a commission and issue a refund for unworked hours.-• Commissions may come with an added fee if I feel they are inappropriate for display in my personal galleries.• I won't draw underage and/or childlike characters in any inappropriate context; neither will I draw gore, racism, sexism, or characters with overly extreme proportions.• That said, I maintain the right to refuse a commission if the subject makes me uncomfortable or I find it inappropriate. Please be respectful if this is the case.-• Timeframes for the commission are to be discussed and agreed upon previously to me sending the invoice for the payment.• You may ask for a work in progress at any time. The requested update should be given in 2-3 business days.• It is both the artist’s and the commissioner’s responsibility to ensure prompt communication. I will not be held responsible for late delivery if the client fails to provide timely feedback when presented with a work in progress that needs their input.• After the approval of the sketch, I'll proceed to add color and clean the drawing as required, in this stage the commissioner won't be allowed to ask for major edits on the basics of the structure of the drawing.• Commissioner may request a rush job on new and/or existing commissions for an additional charge that ranges from 25% more over the total price of the piece, to double the amount of the original price given depending on the urgency and type of commission.• If the commissioner wants more edits than the ones agreed on, an extra will be charged according to the complexity of the edit.• Changes not requested within two weeks of a commission's completion will be charged for accordingly.• When done, unless you contact me to pay the licensing fee, the image you paid for is for your personal use only. If you're interested in works for commercial use, you're welcome to email me at [email protected]• You may not use my work for training AI. In the same vein, you can't use art commissioned from me in any blockchain-related technology; including NFTs, cryptocurrency, or future inventions in the space.-• The final art I send to the commissioner will have my (small) signature on it.• You can't claim to have created any art or design you commission from me.• Any unused or turned down sketch made on the early stages of the piece for exploration are not owned by the commissioner, and are mine to keep and use as I see fit —such as a reference for other drawings and to show as examples of my work.• All commissions may be posted on any of my social media accounts, but you can tell me if I have to wait a specific amount of time to do so.• Everything I draw can be used by me as a portfolio piece or as a means to promote myself.-By sending payment, the commissioner automatically agrees to the above terms.
Q: How do I commission you?
A: After checking the availability of slots at the top of the home page and the information of the commission type you're interested in, email me at [email protected] to ask for a quote or to take a commission slot. I'll contact you back in the next 2-3 business days to send your way a definitive price, turnaround time, and any other detail to discuss according to your specifications.
Q: What's the difference between 'slots' and 'waitlist'?
A: Commission slots refer to the current batch of commissions I'm actively working on at that moment, these are either partially or fully paid for, and they are filled or available depending on the number and complexity of the commissions I've been asked to do. Waitlist refers to the people waiting for me to get back to them at a later date when there's new slots available, in this stage they're not payed for yet and can be cancelled.In cases when I close both my commission slots and waitlist, it means I'm at full capacity for the next month or so. You're welcome to join my Telegram Channel if you want to keep an eye on slot openings and news.
Q: What do you feel comfortable drawing and designing?
A: Fantasy creatures, animals, half-beast humans, feminine characters and buff people. As for backgrounds I personally enjoy drawing nature, but I'm willing to try and experiment with new things if requested.
Q: Would you be willing to tackle subjects/topics you haven't delved into in your works so far?
A: As long as it doesn't go against my Terms of Service you can always ask if I'd be comfortable drawing something you haven't seen me draw before. Should my answer be positive, just keep in mind that as stated in my ToS I will add an extra fee if I consider the piece is inappropriate to display on my personal galleries and portfolio.
Q: How much time do you take with each commission?
A: That greatly depends on the complexity of the piece and the work I already have on my current queue. Regardless, when discussing the details of the commission and before sending the invoice, I'll make it clear how long I'm gonna take to deliver the final art.In cases when life happens and I unexpectedly am forced to take a bit longer, I do my best to keep an honest and clear communication with the client at all times.
Q: What’s going to be the process while you’re working on the commission?
A: The first thing I’ll do is an initial sketch(es) –if there are details the commissioner wants changed and modified this would be the stage to do so. In the case there are any tweaks to be done, I'll proceed to fix details accordingly and send the file again for another revision.When the sketch is approved, I’ll start the coloring and refining. The amount of WIPs and revisions depend on the type of commission.There's of course an exception when it comes to Character Design Prompt commissions –as specified in their description, those don't get any revisions before the commissioner gets the final art.
Q: Can I change details like pose, basic idea or composition after you started cleaning and coloring the illustration?
A: Absolutely not. That would be practically asking of me to start again from the very beginning if I’m already lining, rendering, adding colors and details. It’s very important that you take the time to look at the sketch and let me know whatever you want changed or modified, this way I can go ahead, edit the sketch and send it your way again for another revision. After the sketch approval, fixes and modifications to be done should be about color, lighting, effects, etc; not about the basic structure and idea of the piece.
Q: Is it ok to give you artistic freedom to create the drawing if I’m not 100% sure of what I want?
A: Yes, if you’re just curious about what I can come up with and are happy to roll with it, then it’s totally ok. Just give me a visual reference of the character plus a prompt to go by.When giving artistic freedom you have to keep in mind there's still a limited amount of revisions that have to be discussed before payment. If the commissioner wants to go over that previously discussed amount they can pay a fee, which is going to depend on the complexity of the edit.
Q: Can I print the art I commissioned?
A: Sure! As long as that’s going to be for your personal use –aka: to hang in your room, paste on your notebook, print a mug for your collection, etc. Basically, as long as you don’t make a profit out of it.
Q: Can I post the art I commissioned on my social media accounts?
A: Yes, if you do please credit me and link to any of my own social media accounts, shops, or portfolio sites so people can find my work.
ToS – Character Designs for Personal Use
• The moment the design is paid for in full, ownership of the character goes immediately to the buyer.
• After done, this payment(s) will not be refundable.• When buying a design from me, you affirm that you're of legal age and don't need consent from an adult to make the payment(s) necessary.OWNER-
• Can modify the original design.
• Can use the design and art for personal purposes and non-profit creative projects.
• Can resell the design for the same price it was bought for (adding to it the value of any new art piece of the character that was made or commissioned).
• Can create their own art and merchandise of this design and profit off the sales of those pieces.
• Can not use this design or its original art for other commercial purposes without paying a licensing fee.
• Can not claim to have created the original design's art nor the original design itself.ORIGINAL DESIGNER (me)-
• I can not use the design or its original art for personal or commercial creative projects.
• I can use the original design's art as a means to promote myself or as a portfolio piece.By sending payment, the buyer automatically agrees to the above terms.
For inquiries you can email me at [email protected].